L’une des principales difficultés des enfants avec un TDA /H (Trouble du Déficit de l’Attention avec ou sans hyperactivité ) est l’organisation et la planification. Leur tendance à vite zapper d’une activité à une autre makes it difficult to schedule and perform daily tasks in sequence. 

Repeating the same things over and over again makes you crazy very quickly. The list of grievances quickly becomes very long and weighs on relationships within the home. S’énerver ne sert à rien, it is better to set up a durable crutch with a good toolbox …

So how to improve family life and help your ADD toddler ? I introduce you 10 practical solutions pour s’organiser avec un trouble de l’attention (TDA/H) venant de mon expérience personnelle et tirées de la littérature que vous pourrez picorer en fonction de votre cas particulier.  

#1 Create routines

A time for everything and everything in its time!

child adhd toothbrush morning routine how to organize attention disorder
Daily routine: pee, hands, teeth...
How attention disorder tdajeune study revision exam bac patentclass work homework glasses office write pen tda how tdah
The homework routine is one of the most complicated in terms of the effort required...
Example Write Routine

A routine is often long to implement but it is later easier to manage personal and family activities when they are well anchored. We épargne beaucoup d’énergie quand chacun sait ce qu’il a à faire. 

J’ai remarqué que mes enfants adoraient cela. They have the power to structure everyday life de l’enfant TDA/H. Elles l’aident à agir efficacement, en sécurité et en toute autonomie. 

He is a lot plus facile de ne rien oublier quand on a pris l’habitude de faire toujours les mêmes activités in the same order.

Par contre, j’ai pu remarqué que setting them up could really take very long time mais qu’il ne fallait surtout rien lâcher. C’est la clef de la réussite !

  • Firstly, list things qu’on veut faire ou qu’on doit faire.
  • Put it in sequence like for example: 
    • I'm getting up, 
    • Wash my, 
    • M’habille
    • And have my breakfast
  • To facilitate installation, display them in pictograms, illustrations or other… 

D’abord, votre enfant aura probablement à cœur de faire cette nouvelle activité. Finally, your role will then be to maintain it...  

Sample Routine which can be set up according to your child's needs 

  • The morning routine pour se préparer à aller à l’école
  • The homework routine after class
  • The evening routine to go to bed
  • Preparing his bag the day before or preparing his clothes in the evening for the next day arranged on a chair in his room...

#2 Adopt rules of life

rules of life for children with attention disorder hyperactivity on the fridge kitchen reminder
Magnetic board displayed on the fridge!
the rules of the super nanny's house for a child with attention deficit disorder
The recipe for super nanny to pacify the family: the establishment of rules!
magnetic board fridge house who does what household chores schedule week daily child adhd activity task
The Who Does What

Le jeune avec TDA/H a besoin de savoir ce qu’il peut faire ou non pour structure your behavior but also to gain confidence in their daily actions within the family. 

Eh oui, l’école n’est pas forcement le lieu de réussite par excellence. Et il aura donc besoin d’un clear and caring environment at home.

So to promote the functioning of your family, it is important to set up des règles dites “non négociables”. Become a Super-nanny: 

  • Restrict the number of rules 
  • Discuss them with your child
  • write the rules 
  • Display itthem in plain sight
  • Explain them to the whole family
  • Hold fast and follow them! 
To show that everyone should participate in the functioning of the house, adopt THE WHO DOES WHAT C’est écrit, partagé, expliqué, clair et inchangé !


 ♦ If you open, close!

 ♦ If you turn on, turn off!

 ♦ If you break, fix!

 ♦ If you can't fix it, say so!

 ♦ If you borrow, give back!

 ♦ If you mess up, clean up!

 ♦ If you move, put it back!

 ♦ If you don't know, ask!

If it doesn't concern you,

 n’y fourre pas ton nez !

Rule of Happiness:

Something to do,

Quelqu’un à aimer,

Something to look forward to.


Immanuel Kant, Philosopher, 1724 – 1804

#3 Learn to evaluate time

L’essentiel est sans cesse menacé par l’insignifiant.

 René Char, poet and French resistance fighter, 1907 – 1988 

troubled child attention how adhd plays abacus time learn room
Time is much longer to understand than numbers
how to get organized with an ADD chronometer dog sticks its tongue out
It's hard, I don't know what is expected of me!
time timer timer how to organize attention disorder adhd
Knock Knock it's time Monsignor!

ADHD children have poor perception of passing time which aggravates their disorganization. Alors ils peinent à estimer le temps nécessaire pour réaliser ce qu’on leur demande, ou à planifier les différentes tâches nécessaires à leurs actions. 

  • Prenez l’habitude de lui guess the times of certain times; 
  • Avoid overly vague time markers and instructions; Remplacez “Tu pourras jouer à 15h” par “Tu pourras jouer après avoir réaliser tes devoirs”;
  • the timer type TIME TIMER est un indispensable ! Très visuel, l’enfant voit le temps qui s’écoule. Le temps restant correspond à la partie rouge. Il est en mesure de le gérer seul comme un grand ! Moins de frustration pour la paix des familles … Ce compte à rebours peut même servir pour la cuisine !
  • The needle watches are more complex à comprendre et appréhender. J’ai pu remarquer qu’un affichage digital pouvait leur être d’un grand secours !


#4 Carry out family planning

To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. 

Anatole France, writer, 1844-1924

planning monthly calendar for exams physics chemistry french math english history geo
" What do we do? "Monthly table of revisions
magnetic diary fridge revision course exam planning kitchen planner student bac patent
Small weekly tables to visualize your week

The family calendar on the fridge is a essential to organize your daily life. Everyone has access to it, can thus see it and complete it. 

A good plan should be written, tracked and adaptable :

  • For ease of reading, assign a color for each member of the family ou à chaque type d’activité.
  • Decorate it with drawing.
  • It must not be too visually charged !

Je vous renvoie aussi vers l’article complémentaire sur Schedule of revisions: How to do it 


magnetic board fridge house who does what household chores schedule week daily child adhd activity task
The classic Kifekoi to share family chores

#5 Avoid procrastinating!

There is no point in running, you have to start on time. 

Jean De La Fontaine, French Poet, 1621-1695

procrastinate boyfriend bed have fun phone bed bedroom storage forget
Wesh, it's kiffance on the sofa with the BGs!
child in front of the TV with popcorn on the sofa
I love my TV!

When we give several things to do at the same time:

  • L’enfant TDA/H oublie facilement, only remembers the first or last statement.
  • your child gets distracted dès qu’il commence à exécuter la première tâche et perd de vue les autres choses.


  • A calm, clear and concise request at the same time,
  • To do immediately, as soon as work is given, forbidden to procrastinate;
  • Announce the program à l’avance pour éviter toute frustration.

#6 Organize your ideas

To arrange your words well, you must first know how to arrange your ideas well.

Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont ; The Children's Store (1758)

lost in the sofa dog living room color idea how attention disorder adhd
Are you lost?
heuristic method for the classification of ideas child disorder attention how to organize
The heuristic method or map mind?
notepad my notes notebook memo to do list shopping list weekly calendar planning
Always have a to do list handy!

Votre enfant a beaucoup d’idées, mais n’arrive pas à les mettre par écrit. Il se perd dans les détails et n’arrive pas à avoir de vue d’ensemble. Alors que faire ?

  • Always have a notepad to list, classify, order what is urgent and/or important
  • make plans
  • Learn to organize ideas mind map according to the heuristic method, in table...
  • Use markers to identify important ideas
  • Add color to differentiate and highlight
  • S’aider d’application de type TODOIST, my daughter loves it! 
Eisenhower matrix how to organize attention disorder add delegate make postpone plan
Eisenhower Matrix to set priorities and clarify ideas

#7 Organize your space so as not to lose anything

pig in dirty pigsty like bedroom
Even the pig is happy in his pigsty...
children's room jousting storage box with color label box classification
A label, a name, a color...

Each thing in its place! Si cela vous parait logique, il n’en est pas de même pour votre enfant. 

Provide a space for everything to keep it an orderly, soothing and reassuring environment.

Determine and show your child the storage logic

Some tips: 

  • Bins, boxes, bags classified by type of game
  • Label with name, photo, logo, pictogram to be recognizable by all
  • Purify, sort, sell, give, barter ! Everything that is not useful, is useless and pollutes his space of distraction! 

Also think about key finder, very useful not to change the locks every morning … 

             Détecteur De Clé sans Fil Smart Tracker GPS Localisateur Bluetooth À Distance Key Tag

#8 Organize your workspace

Pleasure in the profession puts perfection in the work.

Aristodes, 384-322 av. J.-C.

prison bed office child attention disorder hyperactive adhd
Could this be the perfect bedroom for your child?
seat ball whiball ergonomic office health back pain child prevention office adhd hyperactivity organization
Stay active with a ball seat!
sit-stand desk for children adhd adhd move how to organize the desk
Vary the working positions!

A child with AD/HD will have a harder time getting to work for a long time without idleness. 

So help him to have a conducive space to do his homework:

  • The office should be located in a distraction-free place pour aider à la concentration. Préférentiellement à l’écart des pièces de vie. 
  • Everything must be able to be easily store à l’abri des regards.
  • Store the phone under lock and key during homework time: mobile phone beeping continuously disturbs concentration.
  • Use a balloon seat allows you to move while remaining seated! Ideal for hyperactive children.
  • Likewise a sit-stand desk permet à l’enfant de varier sa position de travail et ainsi de rester actif tout en travaillant. 
  • Develop different spaces for each activity afin d’encourager le mouvement: un coin lecture, un coin bureau, un autre pour faire son sport, un espace musique …

#9 Getting help from a professional: Getting organized to learn

Tu me dis, j’oublie. Tu m’enseignes, je me souviens. Tu m’impliques, j’apprends.

Benjamin Franklin, American scientist and politician, 1706 – 1790

professional plumber bathroom sink repair
We are not ashamed to call a plumber to fix a simple sink...
doctor trouble reading psy radio brain telephone office
It can't be seen on an x-ray!

Small lexicon of professionals non exhaustif qui sont d’une aide précieuse:

  • child psychiatrist : psychiatrist specializing in the care of children and adolescents up to the age of 18. 
  • Speech Therapist : healthcare professional who prevents, assesses and treats oral and written communication deficiencies and disorders, as well as disorders associated with them.
  • Psychomotrician: medical assistant whose role is to rehabilitate patients with psychomotor disorders.
  • Resource teacher: Spécialiste de l’ensemble des méthodes visant à éviter l’échec scolaire.

Les associations sont de très bon conseil, d’abord pour diagnostiquer puis accompagner. De part mon expérience, je suis passé par Alois Children's Center and recommend it to you.

Daily, the biggest conflict is often that of duties. L’ambition pour son enfant se heurte au possible. So, when you can, why not get help before the situation turns into trench warfare... Tutoring by a teacher peut permettre de désamorcer le conflit et se préserver pour d’autres sujets !

#10 Essential books to read on ADHD

La littérature est abondante sur le sujet. De mon coté, ces livres m’ont particulièrement éclairé: 

tda the toolbox book psychologist ariane hebert

ADHD Toolbox

Ariane Hebert 

100 idées pour mieux gérer les troubles de l’attention

with or without hyperactivity (ADD/H) and to help teachers, parents and children

Francine Lussier

Helping your child to be calm and attentive

Delphine de Hemptinne

In summary

how to organize attention disorder tda: walk on the moon challenge difficulty
Some have walked on the moon, so the TDA...

So to sum up, comment s’organiser avec un enfant TDA  (Trouble de l’attention) en 10 points :

  • 1 Create Routines
  • 2 Adopt rules of life
  • 3 Learn to measure time
  • 4 Make a plan 
  • 5 Avoid procrastinating
  • 6 Organize your ideas
  • 7 Organize your space so you don't lose anything
  • 8 Organize your workspace
  • 9 Get help from the pros
  • 10 Learn by reading


Hugo de Winat

Do not hesitate to leave me your comments and experiences. Other items are available here