Subject to how sensitive in a couple or a family, household chores schedule is a source of endless discussion and disputes. Do not waste anymore time, organize and delegate for win time ! Set up a clear planning with all members of your tribe !
Planifier, c’est prendre le temps de penser pour être plus efficace ensuite. On entend trop souvent : “Je n’ai pas le temps de m’organiser !”. C’est clair, cela prend du temps de s’organiser et de planifier, mais avez-vous le temps de perdre du temps ?!
After a point on all the household chores to be done, I present to you my best plans for planning them within your family and implementing the actions that will allow you to breathe.
What is a household chore?
Definition of yourhousehold appliances : Activités pratiquées à domicile pour l’entretien ou le fonctionnement de la famille.
And yes, that includes a lot of things!
All household chores for our family
Household chores are endless. To help you break them down and categorize them, here are some categories for everyday tasks.
The kitchen
- List races
- Prepare weekly menus
- Shopping and storing
- Make meals / cook
- Preparing the table for the meal
- Tidy up the table
- Wash and put away the dishes
- Clean the kitchen (worktop, sink, etc.)
- Taking out the trash
Interior cleaning
- Floor sweeping
- Floor washing (tiles and parquet)
- Passer l’aspirateur
- Clean the windows
- Clean the bathroom (shower & sink)
- wash the toilet
- Clean
- Put the laundry in the basket
- Take down the laundry
- Wash
- Dry the linens
- Fold and iron clothes
- Go to dry cleaning
- Store in cabinets, chests of drawers, cupboards and more
- take the mail
- Classify mail
- Reply to letters
- Pay the bills
- Track expenses and bank accounts
The exteriors
- To mow the lawn
- S’occuper des plantations
- Sweep the aisles
- Redo the paintings
- S’occuper du potager
How to organize housework at home: the golden rules of delegation!
- Never ask the same task to 2 people at the same time!
- When you ask for something, don't do it yourself.
- N’oubliez pas de remercier et d’encourager.
- Start when the children are small.
- The most thankless tasks must be carried out by everyone in turn according to their abilities.
- Si personne n’est désigné pour faire une tâche, elle ne se fera pas, faute de responsable.
Don't tell people how to do, but what to do. They will surprise you with their creativity.
Household chores: how much time to devote to it?
Parkinson's Law
Our time is precious, so it is better to define the time to spend on each task.
Estimated time for a quick & efficient cleaning
20 min stay
Office 10 mins
Bathroom 15 mins
Toilets 10 mins
Cooking 30 mins
Total 1 h 40 (Minimum)
For an in-depth interview, you can count double! More than 3 hours to put everything back in order: get a housekeeper becomes interesting for those who can afford it.
Pareto's law (20/80)
20 % of actions produce 80% of results. Il est capital d’identifier ces 20% si on veut être efficace.
La loi d’Illich
Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Au delà d’un certain seuil, l’efficacité décroit !
My concrete solutions: The best household chores schedules for the whole family
#1 Magnetic notebooks to put on your fridge to plan your week's tasks / List your shopping and write your menus
Available and at heart of your family, them magnetic notepads are an ideal solution to share the tasks of the week, make his shopping list and indicate the menu of the week.
Everyone is involved, you delegate and the family finally participates!
#2 A KIFEKOI weekly magnetic board for the fridge
Done participate your whole family in daily activities and register who is responsible for what and when ! This makes it easy to schedule household chores.
Practical, the magnetic board can be placed on the fridge or any other metal surface.
Effaçable et déplaçable à volonté, il s’adapte à toutes les situations et à tous les âges !
Plein de formats existent, alors il ne faut pas s’en priver !
#4 A planning app to write down and share household chores as a couple
Je vous conseille l’application TODOIST to register:
- daily tasks and goals
- Share them with your spouse
- Et noter lorsqu’elles sont réalisées ! (Nos victoires quotidiennes !😊)
This app is free and super easy to use.
#5 A free daily and weekly table to print and display
Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement et imprimer en format A4 les 2 plannings à remplir pour l’organisation des activités de votre foyer: 1 planning journalier et 1 autre pour la semaine.
Les tâches ménagères sont au combien importantes au vue du temps que nous y consacrons. Alors prendre un peu de temps pour les organiser, n’est pas du temps de perdu.
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